
Niko's Project Corner

Language Keras and tag Computer Vision at other sites

Cheating at Bananagrams with real-time AI, part 1

(2nd April 2023)

Ba­nana­grams is a real-time word game in which par­tic­ipants race to build their own cross­words. It re­quires com­pre­hen­sive vo­cab­ulary, fast think­ing and good de­ci­sion mak­ing. Some times sit­ua­tions arise which re­quire an ei­ther-or de­ci­sion: do I scrap my par­tial so­lu­tion and do a fresh start or not? Or you may be left with one un­us­able ex­tra let­ter, which you can put back into the pile and pick up three ran­dom new ones. This first ar­ti­cle of the topic de­scribes a two-phase ar­ti­fi­cial neu­ral net­work which de­tects and iden­ti­fies the tiles from an im­age. The sec­ond ar­ti­cle will de­scribe how to gen­er­ate a valid cross­word from given let­ters.

Languages: Python Keras
Tags: Computer Vision

Matching puzzle pieces together

(19th July 2022)

Some peo­ple en­joy solv­ing puz­zles in the old fash­ioned way, but en­gi­neers would like to au­to­mate te­dious tasks like that. This is a well-suited task for su­per­vised learn­ing, but nat­urally it re­quires train­ing data. Gath­er­ing it from real-life puz­zles would be time-con­sum­ing as well, so I opted for gen­er­at­ing it in­stead. This gives a lot of con­trol on the data, but the re­sult­ing sys­tem might not even work with real-life in­puts. There are also sev­eral dif­fer­ent styles of puz­zles, but in this pro­ject each "base-piece" is a rect­an­gle of iden­ti­cal size. An ex­am­ple 3 × 3 puz­zle is shown in the thumb­nail.

Languages: Python Keras
Tags: Computer Vision

Image and video clustering with an autoencoder

(15th January 2022)

This ar­ti­cle de­scribes a neu­ral net­work which au­to­mat­ically pro­jects a large col­lec­tion of video frames (or im­ages) into 2D co­or­di­nates, based on their con­tent and sim­ilar­ity. It can be used to find con­tent such as ex­plo­sions from Arnold's movies, or car sce­nes from Bonds. It was orig­inally de­vel­oped to or­ga­nize over 6 hours of Go­Pro footage from Åre bike trip from the sum­mer of 2020, and cre­ate a high-res poster which shows the beau­ti­ful and vary­ing land­scape (Fig­ure 9).

Languages: Python Keras
Tags: Computer Vision Autoencoder

Helsinki Deblur Challenge 2021

(15th December 2021)

The Finnish In­verse Prob­lems So­ci­ety (FIPS) or­ga­nized the Helsinki De­blur Chal­lenge 2021 dur­ing the sum­mer and fall of 2021. The chal­lenge is to "de­blur" (de­con­volve) im­ages of a known amount of blur, and run the re­sult­ing im­age through and OCR al­go­rithm. De­blur-re­sults are scored based on how well the pytesser­act OCR al­go­rithm is able to read the text. They also kindly pro­vided un­blurred ver­sions of the pic­tures, so we can train neu­ral net­works us­ing any su­per­vised learn­ing meth­ods at hand. The net­work de­scribed in this ar­ti­cle isn't of­fi­cially reg­is­tered to the con­test, but since the eval­ua­tion dataset is also pub­lic we can run the statis­tics our­selves. Hy­per­pa­ram­eter tun­ing got a lot more dif­fi­cult once it started tak­ing 12 - 24 hours to train the model. I might re-visit this pro­ject later, but here its sta­tus de­scribed as of De­cem­ber 2021. Had the cur­rent best net­work been sub­mit­ted to the chal­lenge, it would have ranked 7th out of the 10 (nine plus this one) par­tic­ipants. There is al­ready a long list of known pos­si­ble im­prove­ments at the end of this ar­ti­cle, so stay tuned for fu­ture ar­ti­cles.

Languages: Python Keras
Tags: Computer Vision

Chess video search engine

(13th June 2021)

Youtube has a quite good search func­tion­al­ity based on video ti­tles, de­scrip­tions and maybe even sub­ti­tles but it doesn't go into ac­tual video con­tents and provide ac­cu­rate times­tamps for users' searches. An youtu­ber "Agad­ma­tor" has a very pop­ular chan­nel (1.1 mil­lion sub­scribers, 454 mil­lion video views at the time of writ­ing) which show­cases ma­jor chess games from past and re­cent tour­na­ments and on­line games. Here a search en­gine is in­tro­duced which an­alyzes the videos, rec­og­nizes chess pieces and builds a database of all of the po­si­tions on the board ready to be searched. It keeps track of the ex­act times­tamps of the videos in which the queried po­si­tion oc­curs so it is able to provide di­rect links to rel­evant videos.

Languages: Python Keras Clojure
Tags: Computer Vision Data Structures Autoencoder