
Niko's Project Corner

Language Bash and tag Encryption at other sites

Cheap off-site backup at Amazon Glacier

(17th July 2014)

In ad­di­tion to a mir­rored and check-summed ZFS based backup server, I wanted to have back­ups out­side by premises to be safer against haz­ards such as bur­glary, fire and wa­ter dam­age. ZFS can al­ready re­sist sin­gle disk fail­ure and can re­pair silent data cor­rup­tion, but for im­por­tant mem­ories that isn't suf­fi­cient level of pro­tec­tion. My ever-grow­ing data set is cur­rently 150k files, hav­ing a to­tal size of 520 Gb. Ama­zon's Glacier seems to be the most cost ef­fi­cient so­lu­tion with so­phis­ti­cated APIs and SDKs.

Languages: Bash
Tags: AWS Encryption Backups