
Niko's Project Corner

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Global illumination

(13th July 2013)

I im­ple­mented a sim­ple global il­lu­mi­na­tion al­go­rithm, which con­structs and solves the sparse ma­trix which de­scribes how much tiles re­flect light to each other. It sup­ported only gray-scale ren­der­ing and wouldn't scale up to big­ger sce­nes, but it was nev­er­the­less an in­ter­est­ing pro­ject and I learnt a lot about 3D ge­om­etry, lin­ear al­ge­bra and com­puter graph­ics. Graph­ics was drawn by a soft­ware ren­derer which uses only stan­dard SDL prim­itive draw calls.

Languages: C++ SDL
Tags: Rendering