
Niko's Project Corner

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English hyphenation algorithm in Clojure

(17th August 2016)

This is noth­ing that spec­tac­ular (as if any­thing on my blog is), but I still wanted to de­scribe the out­line of the pro­ject of port­ing the hy­phen­ation al­go­rithm from PHP to Clo­jure. The im­ple­men­ta­tion is only about 80 lines of code + com­ments + 20 lines of unit tests. For com­par­ison the orig­inal PHP abom­ina­tion is about is about 160 LoCs, al­though it is a bit bloated by im­ple­ment­ing the pat­terns search via a trie data struc­ture in­stead of us­ing the str­pos func­tion.

Languages: Clojure
Tags: Hyphenation Blog GitHub JVM
GitHub: nikonyrh/hyphenator-clj