
Niko's Project Corner

Language C++ and tag Databases at other sites

Very fuzzy searching with CUDA

(2nd November 2015)

This is an al­ter­na­tive an­swer to the ques­tion I en­coun­tered at Stack Over­flow about fuzzy search­ing of hashes on Elas­tic­search. My orig­inal an­swer used lo­cal­ity-sen­si­tive hash­ing. Su­pe­rior speed and sim­ple im­ple­men­ta­tion were gained by us­ing nVidia's CUDA via Thrust li­brary.

Languages: C++ CUDA
Tags: Thrust Databases GitHub Stack Overflow
GitHub: nikonyrh/stackoverflow-scripts

Efficient in-memory analytical database

(1st December 2013)

Tra­di­tional databases such as MySQL are not de­signed to per­form well in an­alyt­ical queries, which re­quires ac­cess to pos­si­bly all of the rows on se­lected columns. This re­sults in a full table scan and it can­not ben­efit from any in­dexes. Column-ori­ented en­gi­nes try to cir­cum­vent this is­sue, but I went one step deeper and made the stor­age column value ori­ented, sim­ilar to an in­verted in­dex. This re­sults in 2 — 10× speedup from op­ti­mized colum­nar so­lu­tions and 80× the speed of MySQL.

Languages: C++
Tags: FastCGI SQL Databases