
Niko's Project Corner

Language C++ and tag Data Structures at other sites

Visualizing laser scanned geography

(7th July 2013)

Dur­ing the sum­mer of 2012 when I was mainly work­ing on my Mas­ter's The­sis, I also had a look at Na­tional Land Sur­vey of Fin­land's open data down­load ser­vice. There I down­loaded a point cloud dataset which had typ­ically 4 - 5 mea­sured points / square me­ter. This means that to vi­su­al­ize a re­gion of 2.5 × 2 km, I had to work with a point cloud con­sist­ing of 5 × 2500 × 2000 → 25 mil­lion points. I chose to con­cen­trate on my cam­pus area, be­cause I know it well and it has many in­ter­est­ing land­marks. For ex­am­ple the iconic main build­ing can be seen in Fig­ure 1.

Languages: Matlab C++
Tags: Rendering Data Structures

Fingerprint matching algorithm

(25th June 2013)

For my Bach­elor of Sci­ence de­gree I de­vel­oped a novel fin­ger­print match­ing al­go­rithm, which ended up beat­ing many al­ter­na­tive meth­ods which were de­vel­oped by re­search groups around the world. The used dataset the same which was used for FVC 2000 (Fin­ger­print Ver­ifi­ca­tion Com­pe­ti­tion).

Languages: Matlab C++ SDL
Tags: Computer Vision Data Structures