(25th April 2015)
Nowadays encryption is standard practice on web when data is in transition, and there are even a few services which offer client-side encryption and thus are truly end-to-end. Nevertheless for some reason they all require you to create and account by providing your email and password, although this is not strictly necessary for storing and sharing data. In this system the document id, encryption key and HMAC key are generated ad-hoc on the client and only minimal necessary information is revealed to the server. A live demo should be available at noknowledgenotes.nikonyrh.org.
(10th April 2015)
Out of interest on nature observation, computer vision, image processing and so forth I developed an automated system to capture one photo / minute and store it on a disk. The project also has Bash and PHP scripts coordinating external tools such as montage for image stitching and mencoder for video generation. PHP also provides an HTTP API for image generation and file size statistics.
(26th April 2014)
There already exists many server monitoring and logging systems, but I was interested to develop and deploy my own. It was also a good chance to learn about ElasticSearch's aggregation queries (new in v1.0.0). Originally ElasticSearch was designed to provide scalable document based storage and efficient search, but now it is gaining more capabilities. The project consists of a cron job which pushes new metrics to ElasticSearch, a RESTful JSON API to query statistics on recorded numbers and plot the results in a browser (based on HighCharts).
(14th July 2013)
I got tired of manually organizing my downloads folder, and after not being happy with existing solutions I decided to write a PHP script which would enable me to easily configure new rules for file and folder management. This is achieved by having a flexible class hierarchy, so that you don't end up repeating yourself when configuring new rules and actions.
(10th July 2013)
A good presentation about hyphenation in HTML documents can be seen here, but it is client side (JavaScript) oriented. Basically you shouldn't use justified text unless it is hyphenated, because long words will cause huge spaces between words to make the line stretch out the whole width of the element. I found a few PHP scripts such as phpHyphenator 1.5, but typically they weren't implemented as a single stand-alone PHP class. Since the underlying algorithm is fairly simple, I decided to write it from scratch.
(6th July 2013)
I wrote this blog engine to enable the creation of new articles in LaTeX format and effortlessly publish them in Web. As a by-product it enables trivial PDF generation of each article, or even a combined PDF with all the articles concatenated with a interactive table of contents, automatically numerated figures with references from the text, and many other features that LaTeX users take for granted.