
Niko's Project Corner

Language Matlab and tag Astronomy at other sites

Approximating planets' orbits in closed-form

(12th October 2014)

I wanted to find or cre­ate a for­mula which would ac­cept an epoch times­tamp, lat­itude and lon­gi­tude and it would pro­duce the Sun's ob­served az­imuth and al­ti­tude in ra­di­ans. It needs to take into ac­count de­tails earth's ax­ial tilt and its po­si­tion on its or­bit around the sun. To my sur­prise I wasn't able to find such for­mula, so I had to de­velop it from scratch. Luck­ily earth's or­bit (and or­bits in gen­eral) is a well stud­ied and doc­umented prob­lem, so I could take some short­cuts.

Languages: Matlab
Tags: Astronomy Applied mathematics