
Niko's Project Corner

Language Clojure and tag Databases at other sites

Benchmarking Elasticsearch and MS SQL on NYC Taxis

(7th May 2017)

The NYC Taxi dataset has been used on quite many bench­marks (for ex­am­ple by Mark Litwintschik), per­haps be­cause it has a quite rich set of columns but their mean­ing is mostly triv­ial to un­der­stand. I de­vel­oped a Clo­jure pro­ject which gen­er­ates Elas­tic­search and SQL queries with three dif­fer­ent tem­plates for fil­ters and four dif­fer­ent tem­plates of ag­gre­ga­tions. This should give a de­cent in­di­ca­tion of these databases per­for­mance un­der a typ­ical work­load, al­though this test did not run queries con­cur­rently and it does not mix dif­fer­ent query types when the bench­mark is run­ning. How­ever bench­marks are al­ways tricky to de­sign and ex­ecute prop­erly so I'm sure there is room for im­prove­ments. In this pro­ject the tested database en­gi­nes were Elas­tic­search 5.2.2 (with Or­acle JVM 1.8.0_121) and MS SQL Server 2014.

Languages: Clojure
Tags: GitHub Databases Elasticsearch SQL
GitHub: nikonyrh/nyc-taxi-data

Analyzing NYC Taxi dataset with Elasticsearch and Kibana

(19th March 2017)

The NYC taxi­cab dataset has seen lots of love from many data sci­en­tists such as Todd W. Schei­der and Mark Litwintschik. I de­cided to give it a go while learn­ing Clo­jure, as I sus­pected that it might be a good lan­guage for ETL jobs. This ar­ti­cle de­scribes how I loaded the dataset, nor­mal­ized its con­ven­tions and columns, con­verted from CSV to JSON and stored them to Elas­tic­search.

Languages: Clojure
Tags: GitHub JVM Elasticsearch Databases Business Intelligence Kibana
GitHub: nikonyrh/nyc-taxi-data