
Niko's Project Corner

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Chess video search engine

(13th June 2021)

Youtube has a quite good search func­tion­al­ity based on video ti­tles, de­scrip­tions and maybe even sub­ti­tles but it doesn't go into ac­tual video con­tents and provide ac­cu­rate times­tamps for users' searches. An youtu­ber "Agad­ma­tor" has a very pop­ular chan­nel (1.1 mil­lion sub­scribers, 454 mil­lion video views at the time of writ­ing) which show­cases ma­jor chess games from past and re­cent tour­na­ments and on­line games. Here a search en­gine is in­tro­duced which an­alyzes the videos, rec­og­nizes chess pieces and builds a database of all of the po­si­tions on the board ready to be searched. It keeps track of the ex­act times­tamps of the videos in which the queried po­si­tion oc­curs so it is able to provide di­rect links to rel­evant videos.

Languages: Python Keras Clojure
Tags: Computer Vision Data Structures Autoencoder