
Niko's Project Corner

Language Bash and tag GitHub at other sites

Nginx docker image for easy file access via HTTP

(16th April 2016)

Of­ten I find my­self hav­ing a SSH con­nec­tion to a re­mote server, and I'd like to re­trieve some files to my own ma­chine. Com­mon meth­ods for this in­clude Win­dows/Samba share, SSHFS and up­load to cloud (which isn't triv­ial to do via plain cURL). Here an easy-to-use al­ter­na­tive is de­scribed: a sin­gle line com­mand to load and run a docker im­age which con­tains a pre-con­fig­ured Ng­inx in­stance. Then files can be ac­cessed via plain HTTP at the user-as­signed port (as­sum­ing fire­wall isn't block­ing it).

Languages: Bash
Tags: Docker Spark Nginx GitHub
GitHub: nikonyrh/docker-scripts
DockerHub: nikonyrh/nginx_bridge

Scalable analytics with Docker, Spark and Python

(23rd December 2015)

Tra­di­tion­ally data sci­en­tists in­stalled soft­ware pack­ages di­rectly to their ma­chi­nes, wrote code, trained mod­els, saved re­sults to lo­cal files and ap­plied mod­els to new data in batch pro­cess­ing style. New data-driven prod­ucts re­quire rapid de­vel­op­ment of new mod­els, scal­able train­ing and easy in­te­gra­tion to other as­pects of the busi­ness. Here I am propos­ing one (per­haps al­ready well-known) cloud-ready ar­chi­tec­ture to meet these re­quire­ments.

Languages: Bash Python
Tags: Architecture Docker Spark Nginx GitHub JVM
GitHub: nikonyrh/docker-scripts

Automated image capturing + API

(10th April 2015)

Out of in­ter­est on na­ture ob­ser­va­tion, com­puter vi­sion, im­age pro­cess­ing and so forth I de­vel­oped an au­to­mated sys­tem to cap­ture one photo / min­ute and store it on a disk. The pro­ject also has Bash and PHP scripts co­or­di­nat­ing ex­ter­nal tools such as mon­tage for im­age stitch­ing and men­coder for video gen­er­ation. PHP also pro­vides an HTTP API for im­age gen­er­ation and file size statis­tics.

Languages: Bash PHP
Tags: GitHub
GitHub: nikonyrh/webcammon