
Niko's Project Corner

Blogging platform — What Would TeX Do?

(6th July 2013)

I wrote this blog en­gine to en­able the cre­ation of new ar­ti­cles in LaTeX for­mat and ef­fort­lessly pub­lish them in Web. As a by-pro­duct it en­ables triv­ial PDF gen­er­ation of each ar­ti­cle, or even a com­bined PDF with all the ar­ti­cles con­cate­nated with a in­ter­ac­tive table of con­tents, au­to­mat­ically nu­mer­ated fig­ures with ref­er­ences from the text, and many other fea­tures that LaTeX users take for granted.

Languages: PHP LaTeX Mustache
Tags: Blog Git

Coin recognition algorithm

(26th June 2013)

I de­vel­oped a coin recog­ni­tion sys­tem which can rec­og­nize eight dif­fer­ent groups of coins. The used set is all five coins of Sin­ga­pore, but a few cat­egories can­not be dis­tin­guished from each other with­out knowl­edge of the coin's size in re­la­tion to oth­ers.

Languages: Matlab
Tags: Computer Vision Machine Learning FFT

Fingerprint matching algorithm

(25th June 2013)

For my Bach­elor of Sci­ence de­gree I de­vel­oped a novel fin­ger­print match­ing al­go­rithm, which ended up beat­ing many al­ter­na­tive meth­ods which were de­vel­oped by re­search groups around the world. The used dataset the same which was used for FVC 2000 (Fin­ger­print Ver­ifi­ca­tion Com­pe­ti­tion).

Languages: Matlab C++ SDL
Tags: Computer Vision Data Structures

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