
Niko's Project Corner

Language PHP and tag Elasticsearch at other sites

Server monitoring and analytics

(26th April 2014)

There al­ready ex­ists many server mon­itor­ing and log­ging sys­tems, but I was in­ter­ested to de­velop and de­ploy my own. It was also a good chance to learn about Elas­tic­Search's ag­gre­ga­tion queries (new in v1.0.0). Orig­inally Elas­tic­Search was de­signed to provide scal­able doc­ument based stor­age and ef­fi­cient search, but now it is gain­ing more ca­pa­bil­ities. The pro­ject con­sists of a cron job which pushes new met­rics to Elas­tic­Search, a REST­ful JSON API to query statis­tics on recorded num­bers and plot the re­sults in a browser (based on High­Charts).

Languages: PHP
Tags: Elasticsearch Databases